Report: Hundreds of Newspapers Stolen After Reporting Colorado Police Chief’s Stepson’s Rape Allegations


Hundreds of copies of a local Colorado newspaper were stolen after its latest issue featured a report alleging that a teenage girl was raped at the home of the small town’s police chief by his stepson.

The Ouray County Plaindealer reported that a 17-year-old girl told investigators that she was repeatedly raped by at least three other teens at a party that occurred at Ouray Police Chief Jeff Wood’s home in May 2023. 

The Thursday report detailed how the girl said she was raped “during a late-night party with the chief’s stepson and two other suspects,” telling investigators that “she screamed and fought back, while others slept upstairs.”

The unnamed girl faded in and out of consciousness and was raped at least three times in a bedroom and bathroom through the alcohol-fueled night, the Plaindealer reported, citing a Colorado Bureau of Investigation affidavit for arrests.

Three suspects have been arrested in the case, including Police Chief Jeff Wood’s stepson, Nate Dieffenderffer. Gabriel Trujillo and Ashton Whittington were also taken into custody.