Univ. Wisconsin Law School Forcing Students To Endure Racist DEI Reeducation

by Fuzzy Slippers at legalinsurrection.com

The University of Wisconsin law school is forcing first year students to attend racist DIE training rooted in Critical Race Theory.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) issued a press release detailing the reeducation program and have demanded that it be cancelled.

WILL reports:

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) is alerting the public to a mandatory “Re-Orientation” session happening tomorrow, Friday, January 19th, for all first-year law students at the University of Wisconsin Law School in Madison, Wisconsin. In preparation for the session, law students are asked to study a description of “racist” behaviors, including the false claim that non-discrimination is “racist” and a collection of other assertions about “whites” and “people of color” that actually are racist