The sordid tale of Nathan Wade, a special prosecutor hired under unusual circumstances by Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis, has gotten even seedier after court documents apparently show that the private lawyer had coordinated the prosecution of Donald Trump and his associates with the White House’s Counsel.
The news came out via Marco Polo, a 501(c)3 that has exposed a voluminous archive of Hunter Biden laptop files.
“Nathan Wade, Fani Willis’s lead prosecutor, met with Biden’s White House Counsel on May 23 and Nov. 18, 2022, before indicting Donald Trump, Biden’s leading presidential opponent,” noted independent researcher Kanekoa. “Is the Biden White House coordinating Trump’s prosecution?”
If you examine the invoice documents in the legal filing, there is relevant documentation of Nathan Wade having met with “DC/White House” in an interview on 11/18/22.
The hours were billed at $250 each for 8 hours. In another entry, Wade billed for “Travel to Athens, Georgia to Conf. with White House Counsel.”