Where’s the funding coming from to remove Trump from state ballots?

by A. Dru Kristenev at canadafreepress.com

John Anthony Castro, of whom almost nobody has previously heard, has made it his mission to challenge Trump’s name appearing on the ballot in 17 states. According to the FEC, he has $678 in his war chest. Who, then, is bankrolling these lawsuits?


Who is this guy?

Who is this guy? Castro’s website state’s he’s a tax attorney with a history of union organizing for government workers – sounds like a real republican enterprise – and, now, he has promised $20 million to target marginalizing Trump, the candidate with a gargantuan lead over all other presidential hopefuls, including the incumbent White House resident. Of interest is this “He ranas a Democrat in 2004 for a county court of commissioners position in Texas, finishing fifth of five.”