Willamette River Advocacy Group

We help residents learn about the technical aspects of cleaning up the Willamette River.

via wragpdx.wordpress.com

We formed the Willamette River Advocacy Group in Fall of 2017 with the purpose of helping to secure technical assistance following the Record of Decision on the Willamette River Superfund cleanup process. Working on behalf of those communities most adversely affected by the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, the Willamette River Advocacy Group’s mission is to help provide access to technical advisers for stakeholder groups working on the cleanup, encouraging community input to restore, protect, and enrich the environment for fish, wildlife, and human health.

We are a group of community members who have been actively involved in the monitoring the Superfund process and engaging our own organizations and the community at large in public comment, education, and outreach around the process. Members of the WRAG board have held leadership and organizing positions in groups including but not limited to St Johns Neighborhood Association board, SJNA Treasurer, Safety and Livability Team Co-chair, Climate Jobs PDX, Portland Rising, Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group, Occupy St. Johns, Portland Community and Postal Workers United. The majority of our group are or have been members of the St Johns community. We’ve owned property, rented, and worked in this community that is on the bank of the Portland Harbor Superfund. Our proximity and shared interest in the well-being of the River and the community inspires the work of the Willamette River Advocacy Group.