House to Send Articles of Impeachment for Mayorkas to Senate


House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) signed articles of impeachment against U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday.

The articles of impeachment are set to be delivered to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday afternoon.

Johnson’s signing of the articles of impeachment against Mayorkas comes after he had rescheduled the Senate’s impeachment trial of Mayorkas for Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

n February, the House of Representatives voted to impeach Mayorkas 214 to 213, making him the first cabinet official to be impeached in almost a century and a half.

While Republican senators such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) have been trying to push media coverage surrounding the legal charges brought forth against Mayorkas, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has insisted that Mayorkas was improperly impeached over “policy differences.”

“Mr. Schumer wants to prevent the House impeachment managers from presenting evidence of the disaster that has unfolded on the southern border because Mr. Mayorkas refuses to follow the law,” Lee said in a press release. “He wants to avoid news coverage of how bad the border crisis is.”

Last week, Johnson delayed sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate after Republican senators asked for additional time to raise support in order to hold a full impeachment trial.