WATCH: Chris Plante Wrecks Biden’s Wildly Expensive, Deathly Slow EV Charger Rollout

by Tom Olohan at

Newsmax host Chris Plante took a look at how woefully unprepared President Joe Biden has left America with his forced green economic transition.

On the April 1 edition of Chris Plante The Right Squad, Plante pointed out that the Biden administration had spent a fortune on electric vehicle chargers, but had almost nothing to show for it.

“It’s been nearly two and a half years now since Joe Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure law that allocated — listen to this now — $7.5 billion American taxpayer dollars to build electric vehicle charging stations across the country. And The Washington Post reported today that, to date as of today, just seven EV charging stations with a total of 38 spots in four states are now operational, according to the Federal Highway Administration,” Plante said.

He summed up the brutal statistics: “So $7.5 billion  — two-and-a-half years — they’ve got seven charging stations and 38 plugins at I believe $197 million each.” Yikes. 

One of Plante’s guests also went after the Biden EPA. Spectator Political Reporter Matthew Foldi told Plante that this slow rollout isn’t the first EV humiliation for the Biden Administration. “Remember Jen Granholm, the energy secretary’s failed road trip? She couldn’t charge. The cops were called,” Foldi said, before adding, “The Wall Street Journal reported on how EVs and other digital-controlled products open extra access to the grid, which enemies can exploit. There are huge problems.” 

Foldi brought up the ridiculous dichotomy of the Biden Administration pushing the nation towards electric vehicles while failing to take into consideration the possibility of enemy threats. “There are huge problems we’re not even thinking about if you make a massive push towards vehicle electrification, which they’re sprinting to, but failing to do,” Foldi concluded.