“Woke Kindergarten” Founded by Anti-Israel and Anti-American Activist Resulted In Lower Test Scores ‘Unexpectedly’

by Fuzzy Slippers at legalinsurrection.com

It’s no wonder when you check out their website (archived) and learn what they are about.

woke kindergarten is a global, abolitionist early childhood ecosystem &
visionary creative portal supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-Black and queer and trans liberation.

That any school district, even one in California, spent a quarter of million taxpayer dollars on this actual hate messaging is horrifying. What on earth were they thinking? Clearly not about test scores or the children’s academic learning, this is loathsome indoctrination. By a person with loathsome views:

The San Francisco Chronicle reports (archive link):

A Hayward elementary school struggling to boost low test scores and dismal student attendance is spending $250,000 in federal money for an organization called Woke Kindergarten to train teachers to confront white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression and remove those barriers to learning.

The Woke Kindergarten sessions train teachers on concepts and curriculum that’s available to use in classrooms with any of Glassbrook Elementary’s 474 students. The sessions are funded through a federal program meant to help the country’s lowest-performing schools boost student achievement.

But two years into the three-year contract with Woke Kindergarten, a for-profit company, student achievement at Glassbrook has fallen, prompting some teachers to question whether the money was well-spent given the needs of the students, who are predominantly low-income. Two-thirds of the students are English learners and more than 80% are Hispanic/Latino.