Position Overview: Climate Corps Fellow at Edmonds School District

via jobs.climatecorps.org

This Sustainability Associate position is supported through an innovative partnership between Puget Sound Energy, Edmonds school District and Strategic Energy Innovations. Aimed at addressing the myriad of energy and environmental sustainability initiatives, this Fellowship model presents a distinct opportunity to shape energy efficiencies and sustainability practices across sectors and institutional roles.

At the core of this program is developing the next generation of thinkers and doers to help address sustainability in education settings. Roles in educational sustainability require a distinct combination of aptitudes including project management, data analytics, and community development. In addition to the Climate Corps training and professional certificate, this position offers professional development opportunities designed to help provide the range of skills necessary to execute sustainable programs or practices.

The candidate will work on pressing climate and sustainability problems and be relied upon to work toward replicable solutions. A customized mix of on-the-job training, field work and class time will help the Fellow hone marketable skills and draw important professional connections while making a marked difference in the K-12 community.

Role and Responsibilities

Projects may include, but not be limited to:

  • Energy Research and Data Analysis:
  • Utility usage & billing review
  • Utility rebate development, application, & review
  • Data entry, tracking, & graphical analysis for electrical, gas and water utility usage
  • Assist with reporting and compliance for Utility and Government programs such as PUD / PSE / Clean buildings act / State programs and other Authorities Having Jurisdiction
  • Site visits and Direct Digital Control check-in for data verification