Peter Thiel Reportedly Bankrolling ‘Olympics On Steroids’


Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel is betting on drugs for his next investment after chipping in a thus far unrevealed amount to bankroll the “Olympics on Steroids” – literally – with his donation to a sporting organization that will encourage athletes to take steroids to be the best they can be.

The investor, who made a killing by being an early backer of PayPal and Facebook before cashing out to the tune of billions, is reportedly joining the effort that will allow athletes to dope “out in the open and honestly,” the New York Post reported.

The sporting organization is reportedly being launched by Dr. Aron D’Souza, a lawyer who helped Thiel sue Gawker Media.

D’Souza says that the main goal behind the games is to help researchers study nutritional supplements and “biohacks” that push the boundaries of human performance.

The doc is preparing to release more information about the plan in Paris in April during the Summer Olympics. But thus far, it appears that he has funds in the “high single-digit millions” from Thiel and others, including billionaire Christian Angermayer of Apeiron Investment Group and Balaji Srinivasan, the former chief technology officer of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, the Post added.

D’Souza said he plans to have athletes compete in sports such as swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting, track and field, and combat.

He insists that “40 percent” of Olympic athletes use performance-enhancing drugs, but “only 1 percent get caught.” Apparently, he finds that hypocritical and wants a series of competitions where athletes can do anything to win.

“My body, my choice, your body, your choice,” D’Souza exclaimed.