Chinese Firm Sent Biden Enterprise $3 Million As ‘Thank You’ For Work When Joe Biden Held Office, Comer Says


Hunter Biden’s former business associate Rob Walker confirmed Chinese firm CEFC wired him $3 million as a “thank you” payment for work during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, according to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer.

Walker, a key figure in the Biden family’s Chinese and Romanian business dealings, testified before Congress Friday about the relationship the Bidens had with both CEFC and Romanian oligarch Gabriel Popoviciu, Comer said Friday night.

“Today’s interview confirmed Hunter Biden and his associates’ work with the Chinese government-linked energy company began over a year before Joe Biden left the vice presidency, but the Bidens and their associates held off being paid by the Chinese while Joe Biden was in office,” Comer said in a press release.

“The Chinese company paid Hunter Biden and his associates $3 million shortly after Joe Biden left office as a ‘thank you’ for the work they did while Joe Biden was in office. Members of the Biden family received payments from the Chinese deal even though they did not work on it,” Comer added.

State Energy HK, a CEFC account, wired Walker roughly $3 million in March 2017 shortly after Joe Biden’s vice presidency concluded, according to bank records and Hunter Biden’s federal tax indictment in California. Walker wired approximately $1 million of the funds to Biden family accounts and $1 million to a firm tied to business associate James Gilliar.