MassResistance chapter leaders earning recognition around the country.


As we’ve been reporting, our local MassResistance chapters across America (and in several foreign countries) have been leading the conservative movement in on-the-ground activism against radical leftist agendas.

As a result, our MassResistance chapter leaders are being recognized by the conservative movement in their states. Here are three recent awardees:

Texas Scorecard, an online newspaper site, is the primary non-leftist news source in Texas. It describes itself as “Always trustworthy, with the facts in context. Relentlessly pro-citizen, unabashedly pro-liberty.” We wish every state had a resource like that.

On December 9, 2023, Texas Scorecard gave Tracy Shannon, leader of Texas MassResistance, a statewide Conservative Leader Award at an event in Dallas. As Tracy told us:

I got the award for my work fighting the trans movement in Texas, including in the Legislature. The upcoming years 2024 and 2025 will be even better!  We’re going to be doing a lot of things that other MassResistance chapters in other states can also do to end this insanity.

We will get laws passed in Texas to stop issuing gender marker changes that are not consistent with biological reality and we will define male, female, man, woman, girl, and boy in law and protect sex-segregated spaces in Texas.  We will also stop social transition, declare medical procedures to trans kids as child abuse, and end drag entertainment for kids.