Germany’s Nationwide Discontent Will Be Fueled Further by Higher CO2 Tax – Planned For 2024!

by P Gosselin at

The only thing Berlin’s fueling is discontent…

The German government’s CO2 price increase beginning from January 2024 will make petrol, heating and electricity more expensive. 

Already Germany’s industry is shrinking rapidly and farmers are now protesting nationally due to high fuels costs:

These protests are rapidly expanding and a national day of protest in planned for January 8, 2024. Many of the working class are expected to join in.

Yet, Germany’s Socialist-Green government, led by Olaf Scholz, continues to stick to its plans to drastically increase the carbon price, beginning in January, and thus make life for millions even more painful.

Currently the price is 30 euros per ton and it will rise to 45 euros per ton beginning in 2024.

“As a result, the cost of refueling, heating and electricity will continue to rise.” reports Blackout News here.

Not only will this fuel inflation, but will also only further exacerbate a discontent that it is approaching the boiling over point. Social unrest threatens.