JUST IN: Environmental Protection Agency Warns Of Major Cyberattacks To U.S. Water Systems

by Alicia Powe at thegatewaypundit.com The national security of the United States will remain in perpetual jeopardy until the installed administration is out of office. Joe Biden is the laughing stock of the world as America’s enemies are ramping up the attacks. The Environmental Protection Agency has issued an enforcement alert urging water systems to take immediate […]

Biden White House starts end run around Supreme Court WOTUS ruling

by Bonner Cohen at wattsupwiththat.com At an April 23 “Water Summit” at the White House, the Biden administration announced a multi-agency plan reasserting the federal role in determining the future of wetlands in the wake of last year’s landmark Supreme Court Decision limiting Washington’s authority to regulate “waters of the United States” (WOTUS). The administration’s […]

The Looming Electrical Power Shortage

by Steve Goreham at wattsupwiththat.com People in developed nations take abundant electricity for granted. When asked where electricity comes from, most will point to their wall outlet. But many states in the US are headed for a serious and prolonged shortage of electrical power not seen in decades, driven by rising demand from the artificial […]

Plastic bags from Walmart US recycling bins tracked to controversial plastic facilities in Southeast Asia

via abcnews.go.com An ABC News investigation offers a rare glimpse into the plastic waste trade. Pua Lay Peng lives on the front lines of the global plastic pollution crisis. The 52-year-old’s hometown of Jenjarom, Malaysia has been transformed in recent years by thousands of tons of imported plastic waste from the U.S. and other wealthy […]

The Singling Out of Berkey Water Filters

by Thomas Buckley at californiaglobe.com For more than two decades, Berkey Water Filters were sold across the world (California excepted – more on that below) without a hint of an issue.  The brand built up a good name and hundreds of thousands were sold to satisfied customers. And then the Environmental Protection Agency stepped in. For […]

Will Congress Finally Address The National Disgrace Of Bush’s ENERGY STAR Science In 2024?

ConorCoughlin at substack.com When will U.S. Congressional candidates debate the ENERGY STAR program, created by George H W Bush’s Dept of Energy in 1992? This corrupt federal program was launched under the myth that U.S. business leaders, believed that economic growth and corporate environmentalism must go hand-in-hand. The U.S. government failed to disclose to the […]