Colorado’s New Rocky Mountain High

by David Robb at  It appears that Colorado is growing a new, more potent weed of late. There seems little other explanation for a recent ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court. They just ruled that Donald Trump could be kept off the Colorado 2024 ballot because the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment prohibits insurrectionists from […]

Missing Russia binder could have been shared with a ‘foreign adversary’: ex-CIA director

by Matthew Chapman at The missing binder full of highly classified intelligence about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election could have ended up being shared directly with Vladimir Putin himself, warned former CIA Director John Brennan on MSNBC’s “All In” Friday evening. But even if not, he warned, there are other nefarious uses former President […]

West Virginia Secretary of State and Gubernatorial Candidate Says 2020 Election Was ‘Stolen by the CIA’

by Jim Hᴏft at In a recent gubernatorial debate, West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner, a Republican, made the bold statement that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) played a role in stealing the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump. As a 23-year veteran of the U.S. Army and the current Secretary of State […]