Here’s How Taiwan Secured Their Election In The Good Old Fashioned Way And Put America To Shame

by Mark Van der Veen at The United States on Saturday congratulated Taiwan’s president-elect Lai Ching-te, but maintained that Washington does not support independence for the self-ruled island claimed by Beijing. Asked by reporters for Washington’s position on Taiwan, where independence-leaning Lai has pitched himself as a defender of the island’s democratic way of […]

The Deepest Part of the Swamp The FBI

by Ray DiLorenzo at The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once considered the greatest investigative organization in the world. Their investigative talents and reputation were unparalleled. The mission, as stated on their website, is to ‘protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.’ And they did. They were men and […]

“Green” Weaponization in Missouri: Ameren vs. Ratepayers, Taxpayers

by Mark Krebs at   “Ameren Corporation claims, putting in SO2 scrubbers would cost more than securitizing Rush Island’s ‘stranded assets.’ However, Ameren is avoiding what it would fully cost to replace Rush Island’s critically needed and reliable capacity.” Thomas Jefferson wrote in Volume 4 of Notes on Virginia: “With money we will get […]

Happy $20 Billion in Debt New Year: Drowning EDD Sinking Further

by Thomas Buckley at Globa Culpa. In October 2023, the Globe predicted the total EDD unemployment trust fund debt – principal and interest – would hit $20 billion.  We were wrong – that didn’t happen until January 3, 2024.  Even though six of those nine days were weekends or holidays and don’t really count, we were still […]

Two Racial Grievance Girls: Michelle and Meghan

by Victoria White Berger at How much do Meghan Markle, duchess of Sussex, and Michelle Obama, ex–first lady, have in common?  It’s odd how much, yet how little of distinction or substance is in that muchness — given the strong hints of vacuity in both women, and in spite of the gushing excesses of […]

Saudis Bombed Houthis in Yemen for Years, Now Urge U.S. to Show ‘Restraint’

by FRANCES MARTEL at The government of Saudi Arabia issued a statement calling for “restraint and avoiding escalation” on Friday in response to American and British airstrikes in Yemen against the Shiite Houthi terrorists controlling that country. “While the Kingdom stresses the importance of preserving the security and stability of the Red Sea region, […]

State Senator Responds to Universities Attempting to Circumvent DEI Law

by Emily Medeiros at After it was reported that some Texas universities are attempting to skirt a state law requiring all public colleges and universities to dissolve any internal DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs, Republican State Sen. Brandon Creighton of Conroe is calling them out.  Creighton authored Senate Bill 17, which effectively prohibits Texas universities […]

Liberal Foundations Poured Tens Of Millions Of Dollars Into Influential Environmental Org Tied To Chinese Government

via Major U.S.-based liberal charitable foundations have donated millions of dollars to Energy Foundation China (EFC), a San Francisco-based environmental nonprofit with deep ties to the Chinese government. U.S.-based liberal charities, such as the Hewlett Foundation and nonprofits managed by left-wing dark money consultancy Arabella Advisors, have poured over $100 million into EFC since […]

Israel Defends Itself At ICJ Against The Lies Of South Africa And False Accusation of Genocide

by William A. Jacobson at South Africa’s political leaders are closely aligned with Hamas, so it’s not surprising that South Africa took it on itself to bring a claim of Genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel for Israel defending itself against the Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Palestinian “civilians” who murdered, […]