Guide to student science clubs of the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science


Being at university is more than just lectures, exercises and exams. It’s also about various events and festivities. What combines the two? Student science clubs.

Student Science Clubs enable students to develop various interests and competences. Participation in such clubs not only brings educational benefits, but can also become an opportunity to master the art of self-presentation, which can be a valuable point on your CV, especially if you develop your practical skills. In addition, student scientific clubs also organise trips, events and festivities, both in Poland and abroad.

At the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science, biology enthusiasts will surely find the right society for themselves – from clubs for those interested in plants, animal nutrition and biomedicine, through chinchillas, alpacas and wild animals, to bioinformatics and human skeletons. Take your pick! The most active clubs at the faculty are:

The Interdisciplinary Society of Biomedics, the Anthropologists “Juvenis” Student Science Club, the Bioinformatics Student Science Club, the Plant Biologists “Mlecz” Student Science Club, the Small Ruminants and Fur Animals “FutrOwce” Student Science Club, the Beekeepers “APIS” Student Science Club, the Theriologists Student Science Club