Syrian Hamsters Dead After Chinese Scientists Engineer Horrific Ebola-Enhanced Virus


A group of Chinese scientists have engineered a new virus in which they took a common animal disease (vesicular stomatitis virus, or VSV) and added parts of Ebola in order to mimic Ebola symptoms in a lab setting using animals.

The team studied five female and five male hamsters that were three weeks old – all but two of which died between two and three days. The females – all of which died, showed decreased rectal temperature and up to 18% weight loss, the males lost 15% of their weight and died – except two, which survived and gained 20% more weight than they started with.

Some of the infected hamsters developed disgusting secretions in their eyes, which impaired vision and resulted in scabs on the surface of their eyeballs.

Upon harvesting the organs from the deceased animals, they found the virus in various organs – including the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach, intestines and brain tissues – with the highest concentrations found in the liver, and the lowest found in the brain.