via  janepac.com

Jane Fonda has famously dedicated her life to activism, most recently mobilizing thousands of people to take action on climate through Fire Drill Fridays, a set of weekly climate demonstrations on Capitol Hill. Her book, What Can I Do? My Path from Climate Despair to Action, equips activists with the tools needed to engage and take action on climate change.

Annie Leonard, Former Executive Director of Greenpeace USA and creator of The Story of Stuff (organizations listed for identification purposes only).

Annie Leonard is an experienced and prominent climate change leader in the United States. She has a track record of over 30 years of activism and is the former Executive Director of Greenpeace US where she led a team to inspire and mobilize millions of people to take action to create a more sustainable and just future together.

Note: Jane’s Climate PAC is independent from Greenpeace and the collaboration it runs with Jane, Fire Drill Fridays.