Gavel of Guilt: Inside the Federal Judges’ Vendetta Against J6 and Trump

by Julie Kelly at

Judge Tom Hogan, Reagan appointee on the DC district court, went on inactive status late last year.

After that, he reached out to none other than Mary McCord to vent about J6 and Trump. McCord hosted Hogan at Georgetown a few months ago.

What he said is stunning–and representative of the mindset of nearly all of his colleagues on the DC bench:Hogan lied about police fatalities tied to Jan 6 and what happened to Ofc Brian Sicknick.

Keep in mind–Hogan was reversed by the appellate court for locking up under pretrial detention one of two men accused of spraying Sicknick with pepper spray. George Tanios spent 5+ months in the DC gulag before he was released on appeal.

After holding the other man, Julian Khater, behind bars for 18 months until Khater was tormented into taking a plea for assaulting officers.

Hogan allowed Sicknick’s ex girlfriend to enter a “victim impact” statement then sentenced Khater to 80 month in federal prison.