Personal Information For Sale: State Sells Citizen’s Info For Profit

by Milt Harris at

Personal information leaks are not uncommon and often result from data breaches or employee negligence. However, in one state, a government office sold citizens’ information for profit without their knowledge or consent. This breach of privacy was a deliberate act and caused harm to the affected individuals.

When you visit the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) in Indiana, you are required to provide basic information such as your name, address, and age. However, this information is not meant to be sold to a third party without your consent. Unfortunately, an investigation has uncovered that the BMV has been selling personal and sensitive data of Hoosiers to third-party buyers, generating almost $26 million in profits in the past year and hundreds of millions more in total. Shockingly, state lawmakers have not taken any significant measures to cease this fraudulent activity.

Indiana law allows this to happen, even though most citizens aren’t aware of it. Fox59/CBS4 reported on the practice back in November 2021, but it is still taking place. Some people have noticed and notified State Senator Rodney Pol of their grievances with the operation.

“I’ve heard from Hoosiers across this state that have followed your stories,” said Pol. He added that he has introduced legislation that would give the citizens of Indiana a choice on whether their personal data was sold or not, but in 2022 and 2023 the bills never even received a committee hearing.