Most pro-family people who are confronting the “transgender” (including “gender” ideology) surge in schools, libraries, health care, public accommodations, and other institutions are unaware of how it all came about. A surprising number of conservatives think that it was separate from the “gay” movement – which gives them an excuse for avoiding criticism of homosexuality in their schools and society. But what really happened?
Slowly introducing transgenderism – starting with children
Starting in the 1990s, Massachusetts led the nation in pushing the homosexual movement into its institutions – with California and New York not far behind. Not surprisingly, it started with that movement’s obsession with children.
During that decade, homosexual groups like GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) and the state-funded Massachusetts Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth would reference transgenderism, and they would include teens dressed as the opposite sex at their “Youth Pride” events. One of the LGBT leaders was a “male-to-female” transsexual who headed the groomer organization BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Gay & Lesbian Youth).
Discussion of “gender” began to creep into a few classrooms in the more “progressive” towns – thanks to GLSEN trainings and Massachusetts Department of Education pilot programs in the schools. But in general there was a strategic silence, and transgenderism was kept on the back burner.