Generals Discussed Secrets Of Ukraine War Using Off-The-Shelf Video Phone Tech, One Dialed In From Hotel Room


Germany has been in continued damaged control in the wake of the audio leak of top German generals discussing sending Ukraine missiles and the potential of destroying the Kerch Strait Bridge.

There’s been yet more revelations, including that the generals, which included commander of the national air force Lt. Gen. Ingo Gerhartz, used off-the-shelf and apparently non-secure video phone technology to discuss highly sensitive matters of national security. One general on the line reportedly dialed in from his hotel room. This made the secretive multi-way call easy for the Kremlin to intercept.

According to new details reported in the UK’s Telegraph, “The head of the Luftwaffe told air force officers and a general who dialed in from his hotel room how British and French officials were delivering Storm Shadows to Ukrainian soldiers.”

The publication further blasted it as among the German government’s worst security breaches since the Cold War.

Gen. Gerhartz also confirmed in the conversation that British troops are “on the ground” in Ukraine. But while admitting that the leaked audio – which first appeared in Russia’s RT last Friday after it was obtained by RT editor in chief Margarita Simonyan – is authentic Berlin is also claiming this is part of a Kremlin plot to destabilize Germany.

The Telegraph relays the new German military statement as follows

Boris Pistorius, the German defense minister, said on Sunday that Vladimir Putin was using the recording to try to “destabilize” Germany, sowing divisions with an “information war”.

In the call, Ingo Gerhartz, the Luftwaffe air force Lieutenant General, discusses the possible delivery of German Taurus missiles, which have a longer range and are more precise than Storm Shadows.