Citizens Call for Prayer Vigil Against Pro-Abortion Idol in Houston

by Adam Cahn at

A citizen-led organization is calling for a prayer vigil over the University of Houston’s decision to host a pro-abortion statue on its campus.

As recently reported by Texas Scorecard, the taxpayer-funded university planned to display the sculpture on its campus beginning later this month.

The eighteen-foot-tall statue, which resembles the pagan demon Ashteroth and depicts a naked woman with goat horns for hair and tentacles for arms, also has a lace collar around the neck. It is intended as a tribute to deceased pro-abortion U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

The statue was scheduled to debut at the end of this month. However, the statue was erected on the campus before the scheduled date, in what Citizens Defending Freedom’s spokesperson Dan Thomas described as “an attempt to preempt potential protests.”

Thomas and Citizens Defending Freedom have called for an intercessory prayer meeting.

Citizens Defending Freedom is “an organization that provides the tools and support needed to empower citizens to defend their freedom and liberty, and place local government back into the hands of the people.”