via oeconline.org

Lack of a regional market and lack of transmission have been cited as two of the most pressing challenges to achieving state clean energy mandates. Making sure grid planning, governance, markets, and investments are aligned to achieve 100% clean energy is all the more important as we continue to pursue policies that accelerate the electrification of our transportation, buildings, and industrial sectors—all of which will depend on a power grid strong enough to meet increasing demand. Oregon clean energy, environmental justice, and labor advocates recently came together for the launch of the “Oregon Clean Grid Collaborative.” Over the coming months, these partners will participate in shared education, capacity-building, and campaign planning with the goal of ensuring that energy market and regional transmission planning processes deliver meaningful benefits for Oregon customers, communities, and workers.

Recognizing the urgent need to tackle climate pollution and improve community resilience, Oregon advocates have made great progress towards decarbonizing our state’s electric grid. Thanks to the leadership of a broad environmental justice-led coalition, Oregon’s electricity grid is now on a path to transition to 100% clean, non-emitting sources over the next two decades. 

If done right, the transition to a clean electricity grid will:

  • Serve as the clean energy backbone to power our buildings, transportation, and industries. 
  • Revitalize local economies and create union-wage jobs in the clean energy sector. 
  • Improve health and affordability for communities across the state by reducing harmful climate and air pollution, and providing cost-savings for Oregon families. 

However, in order to realize these benefits, we must tackle pressing barriers head-on.  

Barriers to overcome