“Lied To 300 Million People”: MLB Legend Steve Garvey Rips Adam Schiff Over Russia Hoax

by Rob Mattox at theamericantribune.com

Major League Baseball legend Steve Garvey played from 1969 to 1987 for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Diego Padres. He had over 2500 hits and 272 home runs and was the centerpiece of some of the best Dodger teams in history. The popular first baseman sported Popeye-like forearms and was considered the gold-standard All-American California baseball star. The 75-year-old Garvey retired in 1987 and now finds himself taking on all new opponents.

In October of 2023, Steve Garvey decided to throw his hat in the ring and run in the 2024 United States Senate election in California as a Republican. The seat was vacated when Democrat Dianne Feinstein died in 2023. Feinstein held the seat from 1992 until 2023 and was replaced by Democrat Laphonza Butler, who was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom.

There was much consternation over the appointment of Butler, a gay black woman who resided in Maryland at the time of the appointment, and whether it was a diversity selection or not, others are seeking to fill the spot, including the Republican Garvey. Also notable involved is Adam Schiff, who is also running for the seat.

Monday night, a primary debate took place in California for the seat, and things got heated between the clean-cut former MLB star and Adam Schiff, who famously pushed the Russian illusion hoax and openly lied to America for years. “Shifty Schiff,” as President Trump jokingly called him, made some curious comments when pressed by Garvey over the Russia hoax.

Garvey has been derided by liberal publications as not being good on the debate stage, and while he is clearly the underdog, he took Schiff to task Monday. Garvey said: “I think you’ve been censured for lying. And this is exactly what I’m talking about: career politicians who are trying to determine who we are by race or by color or by gender. They never listen. They have pre-arranged words to say.”