California MassResistance parents defy School Board attempts to stop them from testifying on critical topics.


Around the country, school officials have been reacting to outraged parents speaking out during the public comment sections of school board meetings by devising ways to silence them. But MassResistance helps parents circumvent that!

As we recently reported, in Norwalk and La Mirada, suburbs of Los Angeles, parents have been complaining bitterly for the past year about a toxic “well-being center” in their local high school staffed with Planned Parenthood-trained people. According to parents, students are being referred to abortion clinics and transgender clinics.

The parents organized a California MassResistance chapter to demand that the Norwalk-La Miranda School Board shut down the “well-being” center. At meeting after meeting, parents came to persuade the board to act. The board reacted arrogantly and dismissed their complaints. But the parents are refusing to give up.