Rain is Caused by Carbon

by Kip Hansen at wattsupwiththat.com

What not to teach in primary school: Climate change propaganda. But, in the State of New York:

“Ms. Neumeister was one of 39 elementary school teachers from across the city who participated in a four-day training session in the summer called “Integrating Climate Education in N.Y.C. Public Schools.” Its goal was to make the teachers familiar with the topic, so they can work climate change into their lesson plans.” [ source ]

And who trained Ms. Neumeister to teach climate change? 

The Teachers College at Columbia University, in New York.  Columbia is the same university that houses and supports Columbia School of Journalism’s climate propaganda cabal: Covering Climate Now.

Here’s their intro to the course:

“From the devastating fire on Maui, to a rare California hurricane and Canadian wildfires causing dangerous air quality across the United States, the climate crisis is seemingly impacting North Americans more than ever in 2023. And while climate change policy currently rests with older generations, educating the youngest about climate change and paths to sustainability can pave the road to improvements in decades to come.“

Readers here see the problem already, none of the “crisis” items were caused by Climate Change – not the fire in Maui (see the Congressional Research Service report), no hurricane hit California (Hurricane Hilary crossed into Southern California as a weakening tropical storm) and while a hot dry summer contributed to Canada’s wildfire season, the fires were not a result of climate change.  (mostly lightning strikes and arson).

But apparently the program is getting great results:

“Third graders at Public School 103 in the north Bronx sat on a rug last month while their teacher, Kristy Neumeister, led a book discussion.

The book, “Rain School,” is about children who live in a rural region of Chad, a country in central Africa. Every year, their school must be rebuilt because storms wash it away.

“And what’s causing all these rains and storms and floods?” asked Ms. Neumeister.

“Carbon,” said Aiden, a serious-looking 8-year-old.”

That’s what they call education?