Victorious turnabout at Wyoming library: After leftist Director is fired, leftist staffers quit when new Director agrees to follow “no-porn” policy.


There’s been a momentous turnaround in Campbell County, Wyoming! 

Here’s how bad it was:

When MassResistance began working with parents there in 2021, the county’s public library was a nightmare for pro-family citizens.

The public library was stocked with horrible graphic sexual, homosexual, and transgender books for children (and briefly promoted a “transgender” performer for kids). The Library Director arrogantly defended the obscene books, mostly using American Library Association talking points. The Library Board was solidly leftist and openly hostile to the parents. And the County Commission (which appoints the Library Board) refused to listen to the parents – and even shut off public comment to silence their complaints. In addition, pro-LGBT leftists would regularly come to public meetings and harass the pro-family people.

Here’s how things changed:

But the Wyoming MassResistance parents and activists were passionate and never gave up. As a result, over time things really turned around!

The parents forced one of the virulent anti-family County Commissioners to resign. With the pro-family replacement, the Commission restored public comment and appointed a conservative-majority Library Board. With help and encouragement from the parents, the new Library Board exited the American Library Association. Next, they created a new anti-porn library book policy. Then, on July 28, 2023, they fired the leftist Library Director when she refused to follow the new policy!