Clarence Thomas Rails Against Ban on LGBTQ Conversion Therapy

by Matthew Impelli at

The U.S. Supreme Court denied to take up an argument involving a ban on LGBTQ+ conversion therapy for minors in Washington state on Monday and Justice Clarence Thomas railed against the decision in a dissenting opinion.

The Supreme Court said in a filing this week that they are denying to hear arguments relating to a case in Washington state, where Brian Tingley, filed a lawsuit alleging that the state’s ban on LGBTQ+ conversion therapy for minors violates his First Amendment right of free speech.

According to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), conversion therapy is defined as “any attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.” Over the past several months, many conservatives have criticized members of the LGBTQ+ community and have called for boycotts against companies that partner with members of this community.

However, Justice Thomas issued a lengthy dissenting opinion to the decision saying, “There is a fierce public debate over how best to help minors with gender dysphoria. The petitioner, Brian Tingley, stands on one side of the divide. He believes that a person’s sex is ‘a gift from God, integral to our very being.'”