Larry Fink: Migration Is Bad for Productivity and Wealth

  by NEIL MUNRO  Wall Street’s most influential mega-investor says migration makes it difficult for developed countries to embrace the high-tech, productivity-boosting technologies that will raise the income of ordinary people. “I can argue, in the developed countries, the big winners are the countries that have shrinking populations,” BlackRock founder Larry Fink said at a pro-globalist […]

Terrorist billionaires and the future of food

by Amil Imani at Let us be clear — consuming insect-based foods comes with health risks.  These risks are primarily related to food safety and the presence of allergens or toxins in some insects. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has highlighted several food safety issues associated with edible insects.  These concerns include: Pathogens: Insects can harbor […]

How the Deep State is Using Artificial Intelligence to Brainwash Children, Control Elections, and Surveil the World

by Alex Newman at Artificial intelligence (AI), programmed by raging totalitarians, is being used by the Deep State to indoctrinate children by replacing human teachers, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Additionally, AI is now infiltrating elections. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum […]

A Pig By Any Other Name

by Ray DiLorenzo at When I researched this article, I came upon many websites, fact-checkers, and pundits that were emphatic in their dismissal that the UN ever issued this statement. I don’t want to necessarily take exception, but I do want to raise the BS flag in response to the UN and their friends’ […]

Financial Enslavement: WEF’s Globalist Scheme to Control the World Through PPPs (Video)

via Public-Private Partnerships imply that states and corporations collaborate to form a globalist entity. The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, recently concluded amidst discussions that have raised significant concerns about public-private partnerships (PPPs). A revealing video from the AUF1 TV channel in Germany has brought to light the proceedings, exposing deep-seated worries […]

European Leaders Are Anxious About A Possible Trump Win

via n Europe, there is anxiety that former President Donald Trump may be reelected in November. European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde shockingly broke ECB tradition to comment on politics during a France 2 interview. Specifically, she said the return of President Trump could put the United States at odds with Europe in […]