Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas Blames Climate Change for US Border Failure

by Eric Worrall at wattsupwiththat.com Republicans have moved to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as Mayorkas blames climate change and rising authoritarianism for his failure to deliver on illegal migration. Republicans begin process to IMPEACH Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for border crisis as he blames an immigration system broken for 30 years and […]

Alejandro Mayorkas: Climate Change Contributes to Migrant Surge

by Mary Chastain at legalinsurrection.com “Dumbs” is my favorite new word because I have to keep my posts clean and family-friendly…unlike my Twitter account (at least until Lent!). DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has the dumbs. Sir, why did the border patrol encounter over 302,000 migrants in December, setting a new monthly record? MAYORKAS: “So, we are seeing […]