Chinese military: provincial heads in unusual flurry of visits to Eastern Theatre Command to support war planning

by Amber Wang at

Chinese provincial chiefs have made a flurry of visits to the PLA command overseeing Taiwan, pledging full support for war readiness.

In the past month, three provincial-level Communist Party secretaries have made special tours to the Eastern Theatre Command, meeting its chief, General Lin Xiangyang.

As well as responsibility for the Taiwan Strait and the East China Sea, the People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theatre Command has authority over the military forces within these provinces.

Although the visits are not unprecedented, it is unusual to have so many in such a short time, particularly so close to Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections on January 13.

In a meeting with Lin at the command on Tuesday, Anhui party secretary Han Jun said the province would “fully support troop training and combat readiness” of the command, according to Anhui Daily newspaper.