“Germany Is In Really Big Trouble”: Perfect Storm Of Terrible Trends Paints “Bleak” Picture As “Distress Is Spreading To Other Sectors”

by TYLER DURDEN at zerohedge.com Things are not great in Germany. A confluence of economic stagnation, higher energy prices (due to anti-nuclear idiocy), and the highest corporate distress rates in Europe suggest Deutschland is in for a sharp contraction – a sentiment shared among fund managers, credit traders and crestfallen German executives moping around Davos last month, according to Bloomberg. […]

Are ‘Green’ Agendas Carrying Governors to Political Cliffs?

by Gordon Tomb at wattsupwiththat.com Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon are riding the same “green energy” horse, trotting into the sunset — or toward a political cliff. After voicing concerns, Shapiro is pressing ahead with Pennsylvania’s proposed participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, appealing a Commonwealth Court ruling barring the […]