FBI’s MLK Tribute Brutally Fact-Checked on X/Twitter — ‘Community Notes’ Highlight Agency’s Hypocrisy: “Kings Family Believe FBI was Responsible for His Death”

by Jim Hᴏft at thegatewaypundit.com The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) faced harsh criticism after their social media tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was met with brutal fact-checking through the ‘Community Notes’ feature on X/Twitter. On a day dedicated to commemorating the assassinated civil rights leader, the FBI’s effort to associate itself with […]

Biden’s EPA Massively Stepped Up Its ‘Environmental Justice’ Agenda In 2023

by NICK POPE at wattsupwiththat.com The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intensified its “environmental justice” agenda in 2023 in terms of enforcement and grantmaking. EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in May 2023 that the agency has “built environmental justice into [its] very DNA,” and over the course of the year the agency significantly increased enforcement in specific areas across the […]