Dem Congressional Candidate Sarah Idan Running For Adam Schiff’s Seat Plans To Be The ‘Anti-Squad’

by ILAN HULKOWER at Sarah Idan, former Miss Iraq and a current Democratic candidate for Congress, said Tuesday that she plans to be an “anti-squad” Democrat if elected during a visit to Israel. Idan is running for Californian Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff’s seat following his campaign for the Senate, The Times of Israel reported. Her comment about […]

Junk Climate Science

by Norman Rogers at A popular saying is that those that don’t believe in God will believe in anything. Global warming provides and excellent reason for making an effort to believe in God, or at least in Judeo-Christian ideology that is the basis of our civilization. Global warming religion originates in well-financed scientific organizations […]

Corn, Wheat Prices Post Largest Yearly Decline In Decade As Hope For Easing Food Inflation Rises

by TYLER DURDEN at Despite the El Nino-related weather disturbances affecting key agricultural areas globally and the disruptions in the Black Sea stemming from the war in Ukraine, there is encouraging data suggesting further easing in food inflation in the new year. This development comes amid the soaring risks of food riots in emerging […]

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s Resignation From House Effective Today, Leaves Republicans With Razor Thin Majority

by Kristinn Taylor at The resignation from the House by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took effect Sunday, leaving Republicans with a razor-thin majority of 220-213 over the Democrats following the expulsion of George Santos (R-NY) earlier in December. McCarthy gave a farewell speech on the House floor on December 14. McCarthy, 58, served […]

China’s Night of the Long Knives

by John Mills at Totalitarian leaders need two things to survive.  Unquestioned support of their “inner circle” and a pretense for action, i.e. an incident, real or made up.  The decisive point in time for the rise of totalitarianism in Germany in the 1930s were the decisive events of German leader of June 30 […]