Should Americans Celebrate The World’s First Toaster Run On Artificial Intelligence?

by Conor Coughlin substack

The Dept. of Energy’s Energy Earthshots program is all about the transition to fearless innovation, like the recent announcement for a ‘toaster’ utilizing Artificial Intelligence! The concept itself is so dumb, that the manufacture failed to take credit for being an Energy Star partner. Not since the EPA “certified” a gas-powered alarm clock, has the governments energy efficiency efforts looked so pitiful. It’s time Americans start asking about the true cost for this type of ‘innovation’, because it shows how absolutely fearless the EPA has become in squandering untold billions of tax-payer dollars on their pathetic Energy Star® brand.

The Dept. of Energy had set up the Energy Star program as a Public/Private partnership back in 1992, while George H. W. Bush (R) was running for reelection in a 3-way Presidential race against Bill Clinton (D) and Ross Perot. Bill Clinton won that election. Then by executive order in 1993, Clinton mandated the exclusive use of the Energy Star products and services by every sub-division of the U.S. government.

The legal nature of that Public/Private partnership arrangement, had been kept secret from the public until around early 2023. And for a good reason. Average Americans would have questioned the math

used by bureaucrats to value their new electrical commodity.

The EPA had quietly certified Samsung’s ‘SmartThings’, as their first Smart Home Energy Management System (SHEMS) provider. Before claiming “Americans nationwide can now save energy, save money and help the climate with the latest in smart home technology.”. Just don’t ask how it works, or you may be labeled a science denier.

That easily provable lie, wasn’t the only fraudulent claim being made by the EPA about their new SHEMS program. Any semi-competent security analyst, or even a half-way intelligent twelve-year-old kid would have quickly understood that the EPA’s SHEMS program represented a very real National Security risk. It has the potential of becoming the largest ‘international surveillance operation’ in world history.

You’re not supposed to question the logic, that even the proverbial Village Idiot could have figured out in short order. Thirty years later, the bureaucrats are still marketing ‘smoke & mirrors’ as innovative policy to Americans.

We had been told DOD, NSA and the CIA conducted the peer-review process for the scientific research behind the Energy Star® brand, which the EPA claimed as “certified” energy efficiency products. This was first presented to the public, as a financial investment opportunity in the mid 1990’s.

That’s when EPA’s experts first began claiming that the ‘imaginary’ electrical energy savings from their Energy Star brand, could quickly pay for their premium-priced products through the massive savings on customers monthly electric bill. Those reductions in electric bills didn’t occur, because their logo-branded products didn’t save extraordinary amounts of electricity.

That scam was shut down quickly by average Americans, using inexpensive electrical meters that proved those claims were completely false. Which should have been a clue to any honest person, but it wasn’t something worth considering to the officials at the EPA.

The pathetic ‘Settled Science’ being accepted by DOE & EPA was only getting worst, not better. Soon their so-called experts were certifying products like a gas-powered alarm clock, and a feather-duster literally taped on to a fan, that had been passed off as a energy efficient air-filter. All of that nonsense was hidden from the public, because it would have undermined political support for the UN’s Kyoto Protocols.

In 1997, the U.S. Senate passed the Byrd-Hagel resolution in 95-0 vote that effectively, and officially ended our involvement in the Kyoto Protocol scheme. Which really didn’t matter to the Spin Doctors, who continued to push a back-room plan to make “World Bank: the honest broker in the business of selling emissions”. Despite the Senates unanimous vote, globalist pretended their cronies wanted a carbon-credit trading system. One controlled by players associated with the UN’s Green Industrial Program, which had been set up in 2012.

Academics called this is a “natural debt”, that was owed by industrialized nations to UN bureaucrats that formed a “global market for greenhouse gas investments”, that later became the World Banks Prototype Carbon Fund.

The Liar’s Club knew better than to allow a voice for Congress, if the EPA was ever going to trick the public into believing they had invented products to reduce monthly electric bills. By 2015, Fake News outlets were acknowledging that EPA & DOE would need to ‘by-pass Congressional approval’ to continue their corrupt ventures with foreign actors at the World Economic Forum.

We The Peoplewere never the ‘customers’ forany Dept of Energy’s programs, or considered as such by any government official. The Energy Star program formed as a Public/Private partnership in 1992, makingelectrical utilities, including Public Utility Districts, and other large public agencies their customers.

That shadowy partnership determined who could join their Billionaires Club, and become a beneficiaries of the various green schemes. Ironically, almost always ending in epic failure.

Many of those same ‘dark-money’ groups have ties dating back to the founding of the EPA, by Richard Nixon (R). President Nixon was the anti-Communist crusader that had prosecuted the case against Alger Hiss, the State Dept. lawyer that was a Soviet spy that helped create the United Nations. Marxist used every dirty trick in the book, to flip reality upside-down in an attempt to portray Sen. Joe McCarthy as the villain of the day.

Whittaker Chambers, a senior writer at Time Magazine had reluctantly testified to Congress that Hiss was member of an underground Communist group that he was also a part of in the 1930’s. Chambers had provided microfilm he kept in a pumpkin (Pumpkin Papers), with images of State Department materials. It include notes in Alger Hiss’ own handwriting, that proved conclusively he was engaged in espionage. Both are known to have been active Communist, and lying scum-bags.

Richard Nixon went on win the largest Presidential landslide in history, and earn the universal hatred of every Progressive in America. That group included moderate GOP members, which today are known as Republicans In Name Only, and often referred to as RINO’s.

Now the Dept. of Energy, and it’s silent Partners are ready to expand into Artificial Intelligence, in order to advance their premium-priced product lines. Much like in 2020, the 2024 Presidential elections will in large part be about the complete suppression of those really dumb Smart Grid policies. Which no elected representative is willing to defend in any manner to their constituents.

Will Time Magazine saviors, simply apply the art of misdirection once again in 2024? Claim this is what democracy looks like to the upper class, before demanding our government create a more cost-effective way for servants to prepare breakfast for their royal masters.